
Payment Plans For Your Customers will naturally get your more sales as customers can pay off their purchase over time while you still get your money upfront

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As a business owner, you probably know that getting a credit card chargeback is a disputed transaction resulting in the reversal of a credit card payment directly from the customer’s bank or credit card.

The dispute service was developed to protect customers against fraudulent businesses, but only if the business is to blame.

A chargeback threatens your business when the customer files a dispute without requesting a refund from your business first. This can hurt your business in several ways:

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Prevent chargebacks

Learning the different ways to prevent chargebacks.

If you run a business online or even offline, you already know what a chargeback is and how detrimental it can be to your business.

Not only do you have to pay chargeback fees, you risk having your merchant account closed down if you have over 1-1.5% chargebacks per month.

Rapid Financial Solutions helps companies get a merchant account and we specialize in high risk industries, so we always recommend you get a secondary merchant account to be on the safe side, but we want you to avoid chargebacks at all costs.

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Chargeback Prevention Service

Are you seeking a reliable chargeback prevention service?

If you are a high risk company who is experiencing more than the maximum 1% chargebacks per month, you may be at risk of losing your merchant account.

Rapid Financial Solutions deals with high risk companies every day, and our goal is not just to help you get you a merchant account with the best rates, but also to help you prevent chargebacks. This saves you money, time and stress.

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